Thu 02 Jan
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, anywhere you want me!)
Ts. Cobra Vixen Beautiful Busty Chocolate Bombshell Visiting Milwaukee Now Christmas FUN - 27
(13th College, Milwaukee)
This Chocolate Temptation Has Something Special For You!!! Outcall Only! *Two Girls* - 23
(Madison, Madison Westside)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE *~ Available WEDNESDAY 10/13 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!!
Entertain your Desires! Have some Freaky Fun - Layla Star - Fathers Day Specials & 2 Girl Specials - 27
(South county, St. Louis)
FLEXIBLE THICK Booty Blonde!! Ready and Willing to do what your HEART DESIRES!! - 21
(St. Louis, Airport/Metro STL)
(¯`'·.¸ ?¸.·'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'·.¸? ¸.·'´¯) Specials!!! - 24
(east Madison)
*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* Not Only GORGEOUS My Bedroom Skills Are EXPLOSIVE *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* - 23
BELLA is back n town n ready 2 fufill all of your DREAMS & FANTASIES♥♡♥ call 4 my outcall specials$ - 26
(St. Louis, st. louis mo./illionois)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, 1)
Nuru Slides, Watersprts, Heels and Stockings - Saturday and Sun Morn - 36
(Madison, Septt 5th Saturday thru Sun Morn)
💚💚💙❤Better than Raging Waters •💗 ▬▬ 100 Special ▬▬▬▬ 💎 #1 Pℓαγmαtε 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ NEW ☎⭐⭐⭐💦💦💦💦 - 30
(st charles incall 7547778478, St. Louis)
BeTTeR ThaN The ReST!, I'LL ShoW YoU How It'S DoNe !SuPeRHeaD aT HeR BesT! PuT mE To ThE TeSt! - 24
(UpScale Skokie LocaTioN)
I know u think about fun with a bbw......U wont b disappointed - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee n surrounding areas)
***** * 2 DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs LaDyS ******* Incall Special 200$ - 34
⭐314.319.0614 Funday Specials ⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐ Specials back in town for a few days Sparkle/cherish⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐ - 22
(St. Louis, ₷ou₮h ₡i₮¥!!! INCALLS ONLY)
60$ H ____ U ____ G____ E _______ K ____ N ____ O ____C_____ K____ E ___R ____ S ___ ENORMOUS DDDs - 25
(St. Louis, Airport 60 Specials)
2 HOTTIES 4 u 48DD-25-34 & 36ccc-23-32 ALl U WaNt 4 As LoNg As U Can 4 NoThInG ExTrA - 31
5 sταπ⭐ρπονιδεπ πεαδγ 2 Μακε U🚶 λαρργ. MOVING🚕 TOMORROW🌅!! COME🏃 BEFORE IT'S TO LATE🌃 - 22
(south co. near 44, 270, 55, St. Louis)
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ 1OO% Rεaℓ ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ Cherokee-Filipina ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ #1 Pℓαγmαtε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(St. Louis, Out)
B@rbie °Ω💄Dre@m§ 🎀¤💝ฯ🎁°🎄 Airport - 19
($outh Milwaukee ryan rd 🌎 Airport✈💙💛❤, Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan)
When your wife says "NO", Where do you go?
(Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Macon, Northwest Georgia, Savannah, Statesboro, Valdosta)
WARNING!!★☆★☆DANGEROUS CURVES★☆★™¥Pr0ceEd wit CaUtiON ★→☆→†ExtrEmeLy AdDiCtInG ★☆★ - 25
(Springfield, springfield,mo/joplin)
•-:¦:-• The Best Desserts are Served HOT! !!★ AND ★ With HONEY!!! •-:¦:-•VISITING 11/9-12 - 29
❤ THE ULTiMaTe ReLaXaTIoN FoR MaTuRe GeNTLeMeN $75 special ❤ - 30
(Springfield, SPFLD, InCall or OutCall)
Two BRAND NEW Banging Body hotties....Let us treat u like Royalty... Better than them all!!! - 24
~ * St. Roberts ..... Kink¥, S€x¥, Freak¥ girl that will make your toes curl * ~ $70 hh special * ~ - 26
(Springfield, Ft. Wood , St.Robert)
°•~ UnFoRGeTTaBLe Brunette HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs & a SeNSaUL Touch! ~•° - 30
(Springfield, Springfield area Incalls/Outcalls)
™ ~ Sup€r Sexxii »»ARMONI :) «« SeDuCtIve SaTiSfyINg !!!!! (•)(•) Mixed PlaYmATe 8===> - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
}¥¥¥{ Superbad}¥¥¥{ super sexee}¥¥¥{come play with us}I have specials 4 u$$$$$ - 32
(Springfield, springfield,mo)
SxY BloNdE BOMBSHELL ( OUTCALLS ONLY ) 80 specials leaveing soon - 20
(Springfield, saint roberts an flw outcalls only)
••❤•• —— SINFULLY ••❤•• SWEET ••❤•• CARAMEL ••❤•• TREAT —— ••❤•• - 25
(Springfield, Springfield In/Out)
sweet sexy hottie special last nite here 50 special just ask - 33
(Springfield, spgfld branson and other areas)
★║█║║█║★Stunning K.C. Kara & friend ★║█║║█║★#1 Provider ★║█║║█║★WELL Reviewed - 25
(Springfield, S-field out/s-side in call)
Hot as hell at Dallas's shag pad!! Come get ya a ride on the legendary Highway to Hell Yeahhh - 50
(incall, Springfield)
FLW █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ( ✰ ßÂRßi€ 5'0 110lbs ✰ ) ❥ D e L i C i O u S ❥ Chocolate CupCak€ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ █ FLW - 20
(Springfield, fort wood area incall)
___ G * I * R * L __ •* •* •* __ N * E * X * T __ •* •* •*___ D * O * O * R *** $100 special - 23
Early bird Specials. Sexy Thighs Enticing green eyes...... Rainy Day specials - 23
Come let me relax your mind... Satisfaction is always guaranteed - 21
(Kansas City, Kansas City Mo. Will travel)
%%%%%% !!!!!! $exy & fun Your €aramel €ompassion !!!!!! %%%%%% - 22
🚗🕌👅Anywhere out to you 🏎🏎3 Hot Asian Girls ✈️✈️✈️ - 25
(Bloomington/Normal, Chicago, City of Chicago, Rockford, Springfield)
Highly Reviewed ➕ Hot ➕ I can come to your town to see you - 28
(Bloomington/Normal, Chambana, Chicago, City of Chicago, Decatur, La Salle County, Mattoon-Charleston, North Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, Northwest Suburbs, Peoria, Rockford, South Chicagoland, Sout)
Lets get together and have some fun,Let me be your dirty girl - 25
(Springfield, Frankiln County/Brattleboro Vt/Noho Area)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN ♥ The VeRy BeSt! ♥ N€W PiCs* - 21
(South Jersey, Cherryhill/ Maple shade)
You'll Like My Style, You'll Like My Class.....But Most Of All You'll Like My A55!! - 44
(Shreveport, Bossier City)